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International competition for the best story announced

Title International competition for the best story announced
Location and Date Bakı
03-12-2013 - 30-01-2014
Category Contests


"Luch", Association of cultural figures of Azerbaijan announced international competition for the best story, under the title “Heat of your soul”, organizing committee of the competition reported.

Those who are willing to attend the competition must send one story on a random topic in Russian, containing not more than 40 thousands (including spaces), and brief information about himself. Awarding of the winners will be held in March 2014.

"Works of winners taking first, second and third places will be published in СП «Литературный Азербайджан»", information says.

The materials are accepted by e-mail:, till January 30, 2014. Received confirmation is the guarantee that the story is registered in the competition's website.


City Bakı
Address Bakı
ZIP AZ1074
Country az


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