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Frequently Asked Questions

I am not the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic. Can I get higher education at Azerbaijan Universities on the sate funded (free) faculties?

Some international students are studying within the relevant intergovernmental agreements, and some of them on a fee-paying basis, within contracts signed between them and universities

I have studied German as a foreign language at school. It is also mentioned in certificate. But I know English better than German. Can I choose English as a foreign language in entrance examination?

School graduates can give examination on any foreign languages mentioned in entrance announcement, not depending which foreign language he studied at school. But it is very important to mention foreign language on which he wants give examination while filling e-application form.

When results of entrance examination for Turkish universities will be announced?

Processing of entrance examination results for Turkish universities and allocation of school graduates will be carried out in the Turkey Republic. The list of admitted school graduates will be presented to SSAC at the beginning of June and then will be placed in web-site of SSAC and in mass media.

On which subjects will examinations for specialized secondary educational establishments be held from 9-year educational base?

School graduates will give entrance examinations on native language, Azerbaijan history, and math for specialized secondary educational establishments from 9-year (high) educational base. There will be 15 questions on every subject. School graduates from Russian department will give examination on Azeri language subject along with Russian language subject within the native language subject according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “About official language of the Azerbaijan Republic”. School graduates of Russian department will have 5 questions on Azeri language and 10 questions on Russian language.

When will be held entrance examinations to Russian Federation higher educational establishments and which examinations are required?

It is taken to account to hold document admission to Russian higher educational establishments in April-May of the current year. This information will be given via web-site of SSAC and via information service of phone number 141. Examinations will be carried out in Azeri and Russian languages. The content of the examination is the same with the examinations held in Azeri higher educational establishments. School graduates will give examinations on defined subjects within their specialty groups. According to the examination results school graduates who meet competition requirements will be allowed to the next stage - interview. In the interview school graduates of Azerbaijan department will be checked on knowledge level of Russian language and school graduates of Russian department on knowledge level of Azeri language along with their general world-view.

What should I do for entering Turkish higher educational establishments on State Program?

Within the State Program Ministry of Education does not carry out organized admission to higher educational establishments of Turkey, Russia, Great Britain and other countries. According to the Article 2.1.3 of “Selection Rules” school graduates who enter foreign higher educational establishments on confirmed priority specialties can address to Ministry of Education with corresponding documents. We should note that in this case admission rules for State Program are invariable.

Which documents are required for participation in entrance examinations?

In order to participate in entrance examinations for higher and specialized secondary educational establishments from secondary education base school graduates should fill e-applications through internet and confirm their applications submitting all required documents in corresponding Document Admission Commissions from April 28 to May 31, 2009. Document Admission Commissions work every day (except holidays and Sunday) from 09.00 to 17.00.

Where can we look through competition requirements for specialties with special ability?

Competition requirements for specialties with special ability are given in “Rules on carrying out ability examinations in higher educational establishments” (page 9) and “Rules on carrying out ability examinations in specialized secondary educational establishments from secondary education base” (page 21).

Which documents should school graduates bring to examination?

School graduates should bring the following documents to examination:
- Examination Entrance Card;
- Identity Card (original):

  1. Identity card;
  2. Person who is not 16 till April 30, 2009 should bring birth certificate;
  3. Citizens of foreign countries should bring their national passport or identification card;

Persons who are not 16 till April 30, 2009 should bring reference with their photographs given by educational establishment.

Which documents should school graduates submit to Document Admission Commissions for confirming their applications?

  1. school graduates of previous study year should provide document certifying completion of secondary education (original);
  2. school graduates of the current study year should provide reference that certified their learning in graduation class given by educational establishment in defined form (reference of school graduates who are not 16 till April 30, 2009 should  be with photograph measuring 3x4 and confirmed with seal);

- Identity card (original):

  1. Citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic should provide identity card;
  2. Person who is not 16 till April 30, 2009 should provide birth certificate;
  3. Citizens of foreign countries should provide their national passport or identification card;

- Military obligation certificate.
- Citizens of foreign countries should provide the documents mentioned above together with notarially confirmed translation to Azeri.


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